Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: "Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1213).
Those who are interested in receiving the sacrament of Baptism at St. Joseph Church should schedule an appointment with the Religious Education Office by calling (203) 924-9677. At this meeting, the process and requirements will be explained in more detail including:
Pre-Baptism class
Parents are required to attend a class prior to having their child baptized. This class is held once a month on the second Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM.
Sponsor certificates
The sponsors (Godparents) of the child being baptized must obtain/provide a sponsor certificate in order to be a sponsor.
Click here for information and details regarding sponsor certificates.
Scheduling the Baptism
Baptisms are held on Sundays at 1:00 PM by appointment only.
First Penance is the first time your child will meet Jesus when he or she is sorry for doing something wrong ON PURPOSE. The child expresses sorrow for their sins and the intention not to sin again. Your child will be welcomed back by the priest in the name of Jesus and the Christian community.
All parish children who are entering first grade should be enrolled in the St. Joseph Religious Education primary school program, designed for students from first to fifth grades. Classes are held on Tuesdays from 4:10 PM to 5:20 PM from September to April. Contact the St. Joseph Religious Education Office at (203) 924-9677 to register.
There are also additional REQUIRED classes in October and November that take place for five weeks on Sunday mornings that precede reception of First Penance. This liturgical program prepares our seven-year-olds for this beautiful sacrament of Reconciliation!
If you have a child in third to seventh grade who you would like to have receive First Penance please call the Religious Education Office at (203) 924-9677.
Click here to visit the Religious Education page for more information.
First Holy Communion is when a person receives the body and blood of Jesus for the very first time. This is considered a very holy and significant event in our lives.
All parish children who are entering first grade should be enrolled in the St. Joseph Religious Education primary school program, designed for students from first to fifth grades. Classes are held on Tuesdays from 4:10 PM to 5:20 PM from September to April. Contact the St. Joseph Religious Education Office at (203) 924-9677 to register.
There are also additional REQUIRED classes in March and April that take place for five weeks on Sunday mornings that precede reception of First Holy Communion.
This liturgical program prepares our seven-year-olds for this beautiful sacrament of Holy Communion!
If you have a child in third to seventh grade who you would like to have receive First Holy Communion please call the Religious Education Office at (203) 924-9677.
Click here to visit the Religious Education page for more information.
The Diocese of Bridgeport requests that a minimum of two years of faith formation be completed before reception of a Sacrament. At St. Joseph Parish, the children in the Religious Education program begin preparation to receive confirmation in sixth grade. The students receive confirmation in eighth grade. To be confirmed, all students must be baptized and have had their First Penance and received their First Eucharist. All students receiving confirmation must also have a sponsor.
Sponsor certificates
The sponsors of the student being confirmed must obtain/provide a sponsor certificate in order to be a sponsor.
Click here for information and details regarding sponsor certificates.
For inquiries about confirmation, please call our Religious Education office at (203) 924-9677.
If you are of high school age or an adult and wish to receive confirmation, please contact our Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) Coordinator, Elizabeth Anderson-Zaczkowski, at (203) 924-8611.
Please visit the Bridgeport Vocations website for more information.
We at St. Joseph’s Parish wish to congratulate you and help you prepare for your upcoming wedding. Please see below for things to know as you begin your planning.
Marriage Formation
One of the requirements for marriage in the Diocese of Bridgeport is participation in and completion of the marriage formation program. Please use the following link to the Diocesan marriage formation page to begin your journey.
Additionally, to arrange for a wedding to be held at St. Joseph Church, the Parish Office at (203) 924-8611 at least six months prior to your anticipated date to arrange a meeting and reserve the church.
The OCIA, which stands for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process through which non-baptized men and women enter the Catholic Church. It includes several stages marked by study, prayer and rites at Mass. Participants in the OCIA are known as catechumens. They undergo a process of conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments of baptism, Holy Eucharist and confirmation. The OCIA process follows the ancient practice of the church and was restored by the Second Vatican Council as the normal way adults prepare for baptism. In 1974, the Rite for Christian Initiation for Adults was formally approved for use in the United States.
At St. Joseph’s, The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is available to anyone who wishes to inquire about our Faith, baptism, or completing their initiation as Roman Catholics with Holy Eucharist and/or confirmation. Please contact our OCIA Coordinator, Elizabeth Anderson-Zaczknowski, at (203) 924-8611 for more information.
Please call the Parish Office at (203) 924-8611 for information and availability.
Mon to Thur: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM