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Ministers of Hospitality at Saint Joseph Parish
The Minister of Hospitality is a person chosen to reflect the warmth and welcome of Christ himself. Always conscious of Christ’s words, "For I was . . . a stranger and you welcomed me," (Matthew 25:35), these people serve not only as a Minister of Hospitality, but also as a Liturgical Minister and a Minister of Evangelism.
The hospitality role is to offer a friendly, welcoming presence to those coming to worship; to provide leadership during emergencies; and to perform such tasks as taking up the collection, presenting the gifts, assisting parishioners during Communion, disseminating the church bulletin and participating in cleaning the church after completion of the Mass.
As Ministers of Hospitality
Ministers of Hospitality, or Ushers, are usually the first official representative of the church that people meet when they arrive. The Ushers' dress, attitude, words, demeanor, and body language all speak a message to the worshippers. As God's servants to His people, Ushers should take care that nothing interferes with the awesome character of this encounter between God and His people at this time and place.
As Liturgical Ministers
Ushers are leaders. As such they reflect the devotion, reverence, and joy of encountering God in our worship services. Ushers should not be physically or emotionally absent from worship. They must be mindful that they are there to assist those who are preparing to worship God by creating a quiet and reverent atmosphere within the church.
As Ministers of Evangelism
There are some who may be wary of coming to a church and it would take very little to make their first visit their last. If they feel genuinely welcomed and helped by the Ushers, then the Ushers have assisted in bringing the Gospel to these people.
We need reliable, conscientious, energetic, caring, and dedicated people to become Ministers of Hospitality. Anyone who is a "people person" may find this a perfect fit! If you would like to become a minister of hospitality, please contact the Parish Office at (203) 924-8611.
Mon to Thur: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM