
Welcome to our Parish!

Whether you grew up at St. Joseph's as a "cradle Catholic" or joined our parish only recently, we invite you to draw closer to the Church and closer to Christ through St. Joseph Parish. Come join the community of faith that is Saint Joseph's: pray with us, worship with us, learn with us, serve with us, and socialize with us!

Most of all, walk with us as we seek to respond to the call of Pope Francis to become a true community of disciples, carry the Gospel of Christ with joy even "to the peripheries of our world"! Here is just a bit of our story . . . 

Founded in 1906, Saint Joseph Church is the mother parish of the Catholic community of Shelton and a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport. Our beautiful church, whose cornerstone was laid in 1907, is the home for our diverse parish family. 

We pride ourselves at Saint Joseph Church on being a Family of Faith that is friendly and welcoming to all ages, classes and ethnic groups; a community that sponsors numerous dynamic ministries and evangelizing outreach; and a parish that is faithfully and unmistakably Catholic.

Enter our website and gain a taste of our wonderful parish. Or better yet, come by and worship with us, in English or Spanish, at any of our five weekend Masses!

Father Michael Dogali, with all the Clergy and Staff of St. Joseph Parish

Parish Office Hours

Mon to Thur: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Friday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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